Welcome to the France Outside France home page. This site serves as a springboard both into the world of francophone literature and the francophone world itself, both of which are far larger than many people realise. This site has been primarily designed to support those studying the France Outside France course at Exeter University but is also of use to many others interested in the field. Please consult the index below for details of the different pages at the site including a page of links to related sites already accessible through the internet


Course Description
This includes a list of recommended related texts and the ten week lecture programme

The authors, texts and themes

Past exam questions

On line seminar
Leave ideas about the course and feed off those of others. Check out what's happening in the meetings outside the class. Spent last year abroad?:- Pass on employment contacts for those looking for positions for next year. If you are in a position to offer work in a French speaking country then please leave details of these positions

The Year Abroad for language students at Exeter University

Other Useful Sites


This site was constructed with the help of the French department and PALLAS at Exeter University. The course programme and recommended reading, and the external web links were updated by Dr Jane Lee on 27/10/00.